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Subject: Re: [boost] [config] What Feature is this??
From: Peter Dimov (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-07-24 15:30:40

Alain Miniussi wrote:

> The name mangling of the gnu ABI (used by most unix-like) does not encode
> the return type, and the result does not have to be used when the function
> is called.
> So if such a functionality is added, the mangling issue alone will hurt
> backward compatibility real bad.

Template parameters are encoded though, so when faced with compiler
protestations that two function templates are the same, I just start adding
dummy class = void parameters to differentiate.

That is,

template<class... A> auto f(A&&... a) -> decltype(expr1);
template<class... A> auto f(A&&... a) -> decltype(expr2);


template<class... A> auto f(A&&... a) -> decltype(expr1);
template<class... A, class = void> auto f(A&&... a) -> decltype(expr2);

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