Boost : |
Subject: Re: [boost] Dependency report
From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-07-28 09:02:38
On 07/27/17 22:06, Peter Dimov via Boost wrote:
> Michel Morin wrote:
>> Peter Dimov wrote:
>> > In the past I moved headers along with their history by exporting
>> the > commits to a text file and then applying that in the target repo,
>> After the move, the original file is split into the two files:
>> one contains the actual code and the other is for the backward
>> compatibility.
>> Did you transfer the history into only one of the two files?
> I moved the file as-is from the first repo to the other, as described here:
> https://svn.boost.org/trac10/wiki/NewLibByRefactor
> Then, assuming the result is include/boost/utility/next_prior.hpp in
> repo iterator, I would rename it with `git mv` to
> include/boost/iterator/next_prior.hpp. This ought to retain history. I
> would then create the new forwarding file with the old name in a
> separate commit.
There is just boost/next_prior.hpp, so no need to move it, unless we
also want to clean up the top-level include directory.
I will move it from Utility to Iterator after 1.65 is out. I don't think
this is urgent and I'd rather not cause an unnecessary disruption now.
Besides, the file is different in develop and master because develop
depends on a new feature in Config that has not been merged yet.
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