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Subject: Re: [boost] BCM - Boost CMake Modules request for endorsement
From: Edward Diener (eldiener_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-09-20 22:26:01
On 9/20/2017 6:01 PM, paul via Boost wrote:
> Hi,
> So the Daniel Pfeifer has agreed to be the review manager for the Boost Cmake
> Modules. I would like ask for an endorsement so we can schedule a formal
> review for BCM.
I will make the endorsement.
I have also opened the issue of lack of CMake support for testing a
compile, and testing a link, ala Boost Build, on the CMake developers
list. Robert Ramey, among a few others, was helpful in getting the
discussion noticed on the CMake users list and per suggestions there I
reiterated my points on the CMake developers list and got an initial
acknowledgement there. If others can chime in on the CMake developers
list it would be helpful. I understand your code to emulate Boost Build
compile tests, and I likewise have suggested a way for bcm to emulate
Boost Build link tests, but I considered those solutions more of a
kludge than anything, although the best we can do with CMake as it now
exists to emulate Boost Build testing. So my effort on the CMake mailing
lists is really to get the CMake developers to realize that while CMake
has run-time testing, it does not have compile-time testing, which is a
reality in the C++ programming world and certainly a reality for a
number of Boost libraries.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> .
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