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Subject: Re: [boost] [ANN] Boost.UI - a new C++ GUI library
From: Kolya Kosenko (kolya.kosenko_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-09-28 21:58:33
On 09/28/2017 11:27 PM, Nat Goodspeed via Boost wrote:
> I have bumped into
> the problem of trying to integrate application code with an
> inaccessible main loop.
Why you need a main loop? You can create an other (worker) thread and
sync all data and calls with GUI loop using boost::ui::call_async()
Actually there is boost::ui::event_loop class, but it is only for
advanced users. You can see usage example in ui/src/frame.cpp file.
> Instead of providing your own main loop, you might consider using an
> Asio io_service as your main event loop, and exposing (a subset of)
> its API to your own library consumers. That would give you a certain
> level of extensibility right out of the box.
It sounds like a good idea. Thanks! :) Unfortunately I'm not familiar
with ASIO yet. boost::ui::event_loop looks very similar to io_service class.
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