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Subject: Re: [boost] Including a system link library for every test, but only on mingw-w64 builds?
From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2017-11-06 21:39:00

On 11/6/17 12:48 PM, James E. King, III via Boost wrote:
> Is BOOST_AUTO_LINK supposed to work on mingw-w64 builds with gcc? I'm
> guessing not since I believe this is a MSVC concept, so I am looking for a
> bjam recipe that will allow me to add the link library bcrypt.lib to all of
> the tests in a project's test directory if the build is on a windows system
> and not using msvc toolset. Are these any examples out there?

autolink isn't an just a msvc concept anymore. The boost autolink
supports two functions:

a) creating and linking to a library with the correct abi
b) making the symbols to be exported from the library and imported into
the application visible. This is not supported under the name
"visibility" for gcc and clang compilers.

Problem is that the C++ syntax decoration varies on various
environments. And this has lead - as you likely know - to problems in
getting the visibility/export/import annotations correct for the
serialization library - and likely others. It's a mine field.

Robert Ramey

> Thanks,
> Jim
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