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Subject: Re: [boost] C++03 / C++11 compatibility question for compiled libraries
From: Peter Dimov (lists_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-02-10 16:00:13

Raffi Enficiaud wrote:

> Looking only at this thread shows how much boost developers' community is
> not equipped to handled this problem (no offense, just a cold factual sum
> up :) ).

The Boost community is not equipped to handle an even simpler problem: issue
a compile-time error (or more precisely, a link-time error) when the user
mixes C++03 with C++11. (Or mixes different Boost versions.)

As for your problem, as you pose it, it's inherently insoluble, so no
community will be equipped to handle it.

> * do you think we can set up mechanisms that checks we are doing it right?

The Boost.System tests link a C++03 exe and a C++11 exe with the
default-built library, to check for this type of problem:

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