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Subject: [boost] [GSoC18] Working on my proposal for the Boost.Real project
From: Laouen Belloli (laouen.belloli_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-03-23 15:57:01
I have made some modifications to my Google Summer of Code proposal and I
have posted the new version here
please comment on it if you have some time so I can continue improving my
The modifications in this new version are extensions to the next sections:
- Availability
- Software development tools
- Software documentation tool
I have also specified that this project is based on a precanned project but
it is not the same as the one posted on the boost Github.
Best regards,
2018-03-17 13:37 GMT-03:00 Laouen Belloli <laouen.belloli_at_[hidden]>:
> Hi, I was in contact with Damián Vicino talking about a proposal for the
> Boost Real project. I posted here
> <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KwPUioBYy19HM0X9O1e6X6gigOkmzoqZ/view?usp=sharing> what
> I got so far, please comment on it if you have some time so I can improve
> it following your suggestions.
> I would appreciate very much your opinion as I have no experience writing
> GSoC proposals.
> Thanks and Best regards to all,
> Laouen.
> --
> Laouen Mayal Louan Belloli.
> LIAA - DC - FCEyN - UBA.
> C.A.B.A. - Buenos Aires - Argentina.
> https://liaa.dc.uba.ar
> +54 9 11 38675694
-- Laouen Mayal Louan Belloli. LIAA - DC - FCEyN - UBA. C.A.B.A. - Buenos Aires - Argentina. https://liaa.dc.uba.ar +54 9 11 38675694
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