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Subject: Re: [boost] Let's stop distributing binaries
From: Robert (r.firl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2018-08-30 21:49:07
On 8/30/2018 4:31 PM, Stephan T. Lavavej via Boost wrote:
> [Robert]
>> Where does the Visual Studio Team document the default C++ standard used within each Visual Studio revision?
> https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/build/reference/std-specify-language-standard-version?view=vs-2017
However, I do not see where a new project has it on the command line to
the compiler. Using the _MSVC_LANG macro, the number sent to cout says:
Although this means C++14, how many of us believe it will correctly
compile against the C++14 standard without the /std:c++14 option present?
One anecdote with recent VS updates, if not set, the compiler has not
always compiled as expected. Plus, soon the default will be C++17.
Expect the VS 15.9.x release to have that value, assuming past language
compliance modifications, indicate future unexpected compiler messages,
warnings, errors, etc.
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