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Subject: Re: [boost] Any interest in Compile Time Hash Containers library?
From: Ivan Matek (libbooze_at_[hidden])
Date: 2019-01-25 06:36:54

> How is this [whatever it is] different from frozen (
> )?
If you look into the document and search for frozen you will find out.

> Did you, or did you not write the code [you say it's not written and then
> post timing results, it's confusing]? How can we prove you wrong (or
> right), if all we see is lots of words and no code? Stop argumenting and
> start showing some code.
> Like I said in he original message and the document I implemented set that
works good for integers(you can provide custom hasher for other types, but
perf is bad). There is no map implemented, and for complex types like
strings performance sucks(again this is discussed in the doc).
If you want the code feel free to ping me directly on my mail, only things
I require is that:
you do not claim ownership of code
you do not blame me for bugs in case you do use code in real production and
it causes damage, in other words no liability on my part as permissible by
you do not expect me to support you in x years(if I can help you today I
will) or implement features on top of this code(I think there is a good
chance this code will be changed significantly including: names and hashers
you do compile with clang(GCC/VC++ are partly/fully broken for this code)

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