Boost : |
From: Alexander Grund (alexander.grund_at_[hidden])
Date: 2019-12-17 13:59:21
On 17.12.19 14:50, Edward Diener via Boost wrote:
> On 12/17/2019 2:39 AM, Alexander Grund via Boost wrote:
>> So you want to forbid using e.g. PHOENIX_LIMIT for everyone using
>> Boost.Phoenix? What about in 2 releases after that change someone new
>> comes in and uses the new Boost (the first he has ever used) together
>> with some libPhoenix he wrote and (appropriately) uses PHOENIX_LIMIT
>> as the same for his macros?
>> So what is gained?
> It is a macro. Macros do not go into libraries. The libPhoenix he
> wrote has nothing in it regarding the name PHOENIX_LIMIT. If your
> hypothetical programmer uses PHOENIX_LIMIT in his code he is told via
> the preprocessor #error that he must use BOOST_PHOENIX_LIMIT instead.
You misunderstood me. If you (currently) include a header from
Boost.Phoenix then PHOENIX_LIMIT will be defined (unless I missed an
undef somewhere)
So assume the following:
- An error was added if PHOENIX_LIMIT is defined
- A user develops a libPhoenix (unrelated to boost) and uses
PHOENIX_LIMIT as per `<libName>_<macro>` naming convention to do
something in the headers of his library (e.g. a constant to cap numbers)
- A user (the same or another) uses libPhoenix and BoostPhoenix and
includes their headers in this order
--> libPhoenix headers rightfully define PHOENIX_LIMIT, Boost headers
detect the "old" name and error out. Boom, broken some unrelated library
for no (apparent) reason
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk