Boost : |
From: Tom Honermann (tom_at_[hidden])
Date: 2020-09-23 22:21:32
On 9/23/20 3:07 PM, Peter Dimov via Boost wrote:
> Niall Douglas wrote:
>> Hana's runtime benchmarks showed her regex implementation far
>> outpacing any of those in the standard libraries. Like, an order of
>> magnitude in absolute terms, linear scaling to load instead of
>> exponential for common regex patterns. A whole new world of performance.
>> Part of why her approach is so fast is because she didn't implement
>> all of regex. But another part is because she encodes the parse into
>> relationships between literal types which the compiler can far more
>> aggressively optimise than complex types. So basically the codegen is
>> way better, because the compiler can eliminate a lot more code.
> I've looked at CTRE, I know what it does, how it does it, and how well
> it performs. It is, as I said, a remarkable piece of engineering, and
> I respect Hana for her work.
> https://pdimov.github.io/blog/2020/05/15/its-a-small-world/
> Nevertheless, I have a not-entirely-uninformed hunch that a runtime
> engine can perform on par. Of course, until/unless I can substantiate
> this more thoroughly, by for example writing a runtime regex engine
> that exhibits similar performance to CTRE, you can file this under
> "idle speculation".
Please let me know when/if evidence becomes available that elevates this
beyond "idle speculation".
Boost list run by bdawes at acm.org, gregod at cs.rpi.edu, cpdaniel at pacbell.net, john at johnmaddock.co.uk