Boost : |
From: Richard Hodges (hodges.r_at_[hidden])
Date: 2021-06-01 15:33:40
Happy to have a look.
Is this intended for use on Windows, Linux or both?
On Tue, 1 Jun 2021 at 15:35, Farbod Ahmadian via Boost <
boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was learning Boost.Asio recently and to learn by doing a project, I
> decided to write a simple file transfer. So I wrote an *Async TCP Server*
> and a *Sync TCP Client; *you can use a client to send any kind of file to
> the server. This is how it works:
> 1) Clients connect to the server.
> 2) Clients send the file name to the server.
> 3) If everything is okay, the server will return an "OK" to that client and
> wait for that client to send the file.
> 4) If the client received "OK", it'll send the file.
> 5) If everything goes well, the file is received by server and the
> connection will be closed.
> I will attach the source codes in this email.
> So here are my questions:
> 1) Would you mind please review my code and say the problems? I'm a newbie
> in Asio ;)
> 2) How to make my client and server talk with a special protocol? Let's say
> HTTP. (If a socket server understands HTTP, will it be a web server?
> something like Nginx and Apache.)
> 3) What is the next step? How can I improve this? What should I learn/do
> next? Anything is kindly appreciated :)
> With best regards,
> Farbod
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