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From: Gavin Lambert (boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2022-06-09 01:13:22

On 9/06/2022 12:28, Vinnie Falco wrote:
> So.. have you seen the Boost.URL Reference Card?
> <>

That's a decent reference for URL parsing (although it's then odd that
the method names state "uri", which is how this discussion started), but
it's non-obvious from that how it parses non-URL URIs.

 From the RFC, I'm assuming you put the non-scheme component into the
"path", but then the only valid operations are to get and set it as a
single opaque unit, and it's *also* unclear from that reference card
which of the path methods will do those things without trying to
interpret its contents in some way. (I assume

(Side note: docs missing for )

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