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From: Ivan Matek (libbooze_at_[hidden])
Date: 2022-10-29 13:54:14

If you go to

you will see that it says:

* On many platforms, Boost.Asio implements the Proactor design pattern in
terms of a Reactor, such as select, epoll or kqueue. This implementation
approach corresponds to the Proactor design pattern as follows: *


* On Windows NT, 2000 and XP, Boost.Asio takes advantage of overlapped I/O
to provide an efficient implementation of the Proactor design pattern. This
implementation approach corresponds to the Proactor design pattern as
follows: *

I am unfortunately not a pattern or OS expert, but I would expect that on
every modern OS proactor can be implemented without using reactor, e.g. see


The fact that mentioned Windows are NT, XP and 2000 also furthers my
suspicion that docs are outdated.

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