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From: Gavin Lambert (boost_at_[hidden])
Date: 2023-06-01 23:15:51

On 2/06/2023 04:23, Christian Mazakas wrote:
> I wouldn't like this either. Right now, SmartPtr is a header-only library and
> adding a dependency on Thread introduces a binary dependency which means
> `./vcpkg install boost-smart-ptr` now creates the `libboost_thread.a`.

Only because dep tools are sufficiently dumb that they can't recognise
the difference between header-only and build-required code.

Which isn't really their fault, since C++ doesn't make that easy, but still.

> I agree with this, which is why I figured I'd ask the mailing list. Do
> enough other Boost developers agree that these primitives are universal
> enough such that they should be in Core?

I don't like it, as I said, but it's not like my opinion matters much. :)

FWIW though, atomic_* on shared_ptr is entirely banned in my codebase
precisely because of its spinlock implementation.

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