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From: Christian Mazakas (christian.mazakas_at_[hidden])
Date: 2023-08-14 15:04:16

> It's open to any awaitable, i.e. a user can just co_await whatever he wants.
> asio prevents this by design because it has way less it can assume
> about the environment.
> That is, asio::awaitable cannot await anything other than itself and
> an async op, not even asio::experimental::coro.

Where is this shown in the docs?

I'd like to see a fully working example of a custom awaitable and
I didn't see it in the docs on a cursory glance.

> I don't see the asio coroutines as competition, they just solve a
> different use-case.

In general, I'm not sure I see much compelling difference between this
library and whatever Asio provides.

- Christian

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