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From: Klemens Morgenstern (klemensdavidmorgenstern_at_[hidden])
Date: 2023-08-18 11:41:50

> .
> I agree with the observation. I mean, the weirdness comes into play when
> we employ the mechanism for injecting values into the generator. This is
> why I am asking for any use case that would be served by this feature. My
> hypothesis is that it is useless. Useless in Python and JS, and now it is
> copied into Boost.Async. I may be wrong about this. This is why an example
> of a plausible use case woul help proving me wrong.

Well the simplest example would be a statemachine. You push in the
transition and get the current state back when awaiting it.

Simple of course isnt simple here, because state machines need a certain
complexity to be useful.

> I wasn't really requesting a lazy generator (but maybe it is useful).

 Just fyi: i can add that as a runtime option to the existing generator. PR
is open.

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