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From: Darrell Wright (darrell.wright_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-02-28 00:03:02

When testing I noticed that <algorithm> was missing
app/ error: no matching function for call to 'find'
 13853 | std::find(detail::eol_cps.begin(), detail::eol_cps.end(), c) !=


> On Feb 27, 2024, at 17:23, Christian Mazakas via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
>> * My use case involves parsing identifiers that can only contain ASCII
>> lowercase, uppercase, digits and the underscore.
> Spirit used to have helpers like this but Parser doesn't seem to have them.
> I noticed this too but it's actually pretty easy to fill this in yourself.
> Here's a working example:
> auto const digit = p::char_('0', '9');
> auto const lower = p::char_('a', 'z');
> auto const upper = p::char_('A', 'Z');
> auto const ident = digit | lower | upper | '_';
>> * I started my evaluation using clang-18 (Linux) but builds fail
>> (seems to happen under all clang versions I tried).
> Hmm, I can't actually can't replicate this, btw.
> I'm using the latest tip of develop here:
> Compiles fine for me using clang-17 on Ubuntu 23.10
> You should include details about the nature of your build failures.
> - Christian
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