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From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-03-13 07:35:24

El 13/03/2024 a las 3:42, Vinnie Falco via Boost escribió:

> I would ask everyone who loves Boost to rally and get behind this
> effort to publish this modern website, to show the onlookers and new
> potential community members that we are capable of supporting this
> high-risk / high-reward contribution. The alternative is too dismal to
> contemplate.

These are good points and the formal review process might not seem a
good fit for this, because it's thought for libraries:

But it's a formal process that we have to take decisions, so it might work.

Informally, we've been trying to help in the review of the site because
discussions in the ML were not well organized. In this informal review
process we've asked for changes and I think it worked well.

Since I tried to collect all main comments in a informal-review like
process, I volunteer to be the review manager if the community agrees.

Robert, Vinnie, are you ok with this?



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