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From: Jakob Lövhall (lovhall_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-03-19 18:12:03

> I've been thinking of writing a base64 encoder/decoder library for
> some time. I first found the need when writing ServerTech chat
> (, and I couldn't find a
> library that suited my needs. All the libraries I could find were
> either forgotten one-day projects with no tests, or private parts of
> something bigger.

> From this issue from Beast
> ( it looks like this
> could be useful to people.

I was in a similar situation yesterday, I looked at the same ticket, and probably the same search results that took me there. I was close to including the beast detail implementation, like some SO post suggested. but in the end Vinnies comments about not doing that made me look further.

Daniel Lemire has a post describing how to do fast base64 encoding/decoding
which is implemented in this library which is still maintained (last commit 3 weeks ago)
to be honest, I've not yet made the tests to verify that it works, but it is for sure easy to work with, and supposedly very fast.

I am lazy and would have used the boost version if it existed something neat. but maybe there isn't a real need for it to be in boost.

Kind Regards

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