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From: Peter Dimov (pdimov_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-05-01 10:45:30

Nigel Stewart wrote:
> > I've been having a fairly hard time enabling zlib and zstd for boost
> 1.85.0 so
> > we can make use of the compression support in iostreams module.
> Were you using b2 or CMake to build Boost?
> All the instructions pointed to b2, and that's what's entrenched here.
> Will google for cmake howto, thanks.

Instructions for building with CMake are here:

but I actually had something different in mind. The b2 build supports
compiling zlib from source; you can set the environment variable
ZLIB_SOURCE or put the path in user-config.jam as in

using zlib : 1.2.7 : <source>/home/steven/zlib-1.2.7 ;

This is also supported for bzip2 - using BZIP2_SOURCE or

using bzip2 : 1.0.6 : <source>/home/sergey/src/bzip2-1.0.6 ;

but unfortunately not for lzma or zstd - for those you have to
point to the prebuilt binaries:

using zstd : : <search>/path/to/libraries <include>/path/to/headers <name>library-name ;

If you have separate zstd binaries for different build variants,
you'd need more than one "using" line here, with the appropriate

If you tell us how your binaries are named and what directories
they are in, we'll be able to tell you the exact lines to put into

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