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From: Christian Mazakas (christian.mazakas_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-05-02 23:01:36

> I think Christian meant adding a compression abstraction library above
> zlib, bz2, zip, etc?

I actually really meant this lol.

I will say, I too even struggled getting b2 to pick up zlib on my system
but that's not
something that's impossible to solve. You just log into slack and complain
in #boost
until Peter solves your build problems for you.

It's 2024 and the best solution we have for adding compression to a user's
is: "just learn zlib" or other similar C-like APIs.

I didn't have anything particularly concrete in mind. I was just vocalizing
my feelings.

> That's even worse, as we would be throwing away twenty five years of
> optimizations in the decompressor, much of which is written in assembly
> language for various architectures. Is he proposing we rewrite all of
> This is not a sound engineering practice to me.

Well, get prepared to have your mind blown!

Seems like someone already beat us to the punch and went ahead and
all of zlib for some decent gains, it seems.

- Christian

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