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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-05-08 23:19:30

I confess that I'm totally mystified by this. I've looked over the web
page and it doesn't help me.

Here is the "mission statement" from the Boost Foundation website:

"The Boost Foundation’s broad C++ mission is: (a) development of high
quality, expert reviewed, legally unencumbered, open-source libraries,
(b) inspiring standard enhancements, and (c) advancing and disseminating
software development best practices. It does this by fostering community
engagement, nurturing leaders, providing necessary financial/legal
support, and making directional decisions in the event of Boost
community deadlock."

"Equally important to our mission is the guidance provided by our shared
values. These are transparency, inclusivity, consensus-building,
federated authorship, and community-driven leadership."

Here is the "mission statement" from the Beman Project:

"The Beman Project’s mission is to support the efficient design and
adoption of the highest quality C++ Standard libraries through
implementation experience, user feedback, and technical expertise.
Founded at C++Now in 2024 the project strives to aggregate libraries
proposed for ISO standardization making a simple usage experience for
the C++ Community to try out new libraries. For library authors we
assist by helping to make best modern development practices easy.
Including CI, coverage, and packaging."

Seems to me that they are essentially the same with different wording
(excluding the woke paragraph it the Boost Foundation version.

A couple miscellaneous questions:

a) Why is the Boost Foundation website not part of the website?

b) So what's the point of all this? Who has promoted/championed it?
What is their motivation. Extremely odd to me.

add your own questions here.

Personally I'd like to see the following:

a) consolidation of all this under one umbrella

b) More transparency in selection of board of directors. More direct
influence on the part of library creators and users. I don't have any
idea how to achieve this without creating caos though.

c) Distancing Boost from the C++ standard. Boosts original mission was
accomplished when the standards committee incorporated a large part of
boost directly into the standard. Since then boost's policy of working
with the standard library is very confusing. Are we an alternative? or
are trying to create new (better?) standard library components. Or are
we trying to create canonical implementations of the standard library
components? The standard committee is flailing around itself. Three way
branch? executors? Does something as elaborate as ranges belong in a
standard library? What about testing the standard library? How do we
do this? or Not. Do I incorporate the standard library in my heart
pacemaker app? Without being able to test any of it? Oh let's not
forget "modules" I've been reading up on it and it seems at most a
half-baked idea. So boost should only focus on the standard to the
extent that it needs to in order to make it's own libraries work.

Sorry, I'm just not understanding any of this.

Robert Ramey

Boost list run by bdawes at, gregod at, cpdaniel at, john at