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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-05-09 02:58:52

On 5/8/24 6:23 PM, Glen Fernandes via Boost wrote:
> On Wednesday, May 8, 2024, Robert Ramey wrote:
>> I confess that I'm totally mystified by this.
> Answers to questions about the Beman project would be more readily found on
> that project's Discourse.

I looked over the Beman website and discourse and found no useful
information other than the mission statement which I quoted.

> It would probably be best to solicit them there
> than to speculate here.

I'm not speculating. I'm asking so I don't have to speculate.

> I'm interested in continuing the thread that explores a direction for Boost
> on this mailing list independent of what other projects want to achieve.
> This includes people in the community willing to step forward to steer
> Boost in said direction.
> Note that that the same community has already more or less expressed the
> desire for the Foundation to not interfere with the C++ library development
> side of things (and serve only in a supportive role with infrastructure and
> so on).

As I understand it, issues separate from library development per se were
what the Boost Foundation was designed for. And it seems to have worked
well for that.

Members of the board have always been welcome to work on the library
development side on their own and many have.

So my question remains unanswered: "What purpose can the project serve
which is not already addressed by Boost?"

Robert Ramey

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