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From: Boris Kolpackov (boris_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-05-09 13:10:41

Andrey Semashev via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]> writes:

> On 5/9/24 13:52, Boris Kolpackov via Boost wrote:
> > 1. They can track the latest standard (since by definition such libraries
> > will only be usable with later standards). Maybe they can even go
> > straight to modules.
> >
> > 2. Not worry about build systems and package managers (they can live in
> > the blissful world of C++ that has a standard package manager, it just
> > has one giant package that gets a new version every three years).
> I don't think #2 is true, and I doubt #1 is entirely true either. A
> library proposed for inclusion into the standard has to work and solve
> the intended problem efficiently. This means testing and field
> experience are prerequisite, and for that the library has to be usable
> with current compilers, even if modern. And yes, that includes a build
> system and packaging, if required by the library.

I think it's true to a certain extent. Even in case of the Boost Project
you would have been able to drop a lot of baggage if you were starting
something like Boost2.

In case of the Beman Project, they can practically do such house cleaning
every time a new version of the C++ standard is released and compiler
support is reasonably available. And they can take this opportunity to
drop other baggage, like switching to the build system or package manager
that is currently in vogue, dropping libraries whose authors have lost
interest, etc.

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