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From: Arno Schoedl (schoedl_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-05-10 05:25:38

For all its drawbacks, stackful coroutines are an incredibly important tool in the programming toolbox. They don't require changes to the language, the rules surrounding lifetime are dead simple to understand, and for a broad range of use-cases they are perfectly adequate. The underlying technology, which is the ability to save and restore the context, is perfectly understood and there is overwhelming field experience. In other words, stackful coroutines are a solved problem. There is little to no controversy surrounding them.

Absolutely agreed. The current coroutines have their place but that we effectively need to keep two copies of every generic algorithm around, one plain and one coroutinified, just in case somewhere deep inside the callstack a caller-supplied lambda wants to yield is very unsatisfactory.


Dr. Arno Schödl
schoedl_at_[hidden]<mailto:schoedl_at_[hidden]> | +49 30 6664731-0

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