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From: Robert Ramey (ramey_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-05-18 18:27:19

I've been contacted by my friend and sometime collaborator Takatoshi
Kondo regarding his submission of a boost library: It has received two
endorsements. He has asked me to be review manager and I'm inclined to
accept this request as he was very helpful to me during the refinement
of the boost serialization library.

There is also mqtt client library that is proposed to the Boost. It also has endorsements and a
review manager.

A cursory examination of the git hub pages suggest considerable overlap
between the two submissions. In general, boost has discouraged the
acceptance of multiple libraries with this much overlap - and for good
reason. An accepted library often becomes the canonical implementation
in large parts of the C++ world. Having two high quality libraries that
do almost the same thing is not where we would like to be.

I would like to propose that we review both libraries simultaneously in
order to try to reach a consensus as to which, if either we want to
accept. I know this is a difficult task, but I think it is important
that we do this. It's going to be tough to reject a well written
library because a better one has been accepted. But it would be worse
to reject a well written library merely because another one was
submitted first. Normally I don't participate as a review manager as
I'm pretty bogged down in Boost stuff as it is. But I'm willing to make
an exception in this case due to the importance of this case and my
strong personal ties to Takatoshi. BTW - who is the review wizard these
days? I presume that he will be the one making the decision about this.

Robert Ramey

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