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From: Klemens Morgenstern (klemensdavidmorgenstern_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-05-21 14:52:02
On Tue, May 21, 2024 at 10:26â¯PM Christian Mazakas via Boost
<boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:
> > I only volunteered for the mireo library (i.e. the "other" one from
> > your perspective).
> > I don't think redboltz is ready for review so I don't want to be RM.
> > Furthermore I fear I might be too biased between the two of the
> > libraries to be review manager of both.
> Hmm, a review manager admitting a strong bias for a potential library isn't
> a good look.
Where did I use the word "strong" exactly?
It's just a more complex decision that means it's harder to know and
then purposely ignore one's own bias, because it's a single variable.
With two libraries you end up with a more complex situation where the
way you present the libraries or schedule the reviews might advantage
one over the other.
And that can be subconscious, e.g. when announcing the review I might
put some emphasis on a certain feature or deficiency of one library
might influence reviewers a certain way.
That's hard to account for, whereas a review decision that disagrees
with my own opinion is pretty easy to reach and I have in the past.
But I don't think it's a good idea to have a single review manager for
two libraries in a competitive review with unclear rules.
Maybe one of the review wizards and provide some wisdom on how this might work?
> To the point though, we should accept the protocol library one so it can be
> used for other networking implementations. Modern advancements
> can make implementations roughly 2x as fast as Asio.
Well redboltz isn't a pure protocol library in that sense either, it's
just lower level than mireos. It's still very much married to asio.
It's akin to beast being on the protocol level, while a library like
python-requests is a simpler client.
To the point though, "we should accept" is not a thing to be discussed
while scheduling a review, but during review.
> - Christian
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