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From: Alain O' Miniussi (alain.miniussi_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-05-22 09:04:56

----- On May 22, 2024, at 12:50 AM, Christian Mazakas via Boost boost_at_[hidden] wrote:

> In general, I agree with Richard's sentiment. b2 is holding Boost back and
> nowadays, even packagers
> are moving on from it and are building Boost purely via CMake or are
> relying on Boost's CMake support.

Maybe I missed something, but I was unable to build with b2 with a clang based Cray compiler.
I can understand why since it's not publicly available (it's a PITA with most tools actually) but CMake was able to do the job.
Maybe that's a corner case, it's difficult to know how many unknown compilers are out there.

-- Alain

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