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From: Rob Boehne (robb_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-05-22 18:00:55

Boost would be better if it used CMake for building releases – that is really where it’s most important, where the average user comes into contact with the build. I’m sure bjam/b2/boost build is functional and on-par in terms of feature set, but at this point in history CMake is ubiquitous, and so is CMake knowledge.
If we were to poll Boost users it is likely the overwhelming majority would prefer to build releases with CMake.

From: Boost <boost-bounces_at_[hidden]> on behalf of Alain O' Miniussi via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]>
Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 1:05 PM
To: boost <boost_at_[hidden]>
Cc: Alain O' Miniussi <>
Subject: Re: [boost] Boost/CMake
----- On May 20, 2024, at 9:28 PM, Robert Ramey via Boost boost_at_[hidden] wrote:

> Anyone have first hand experience building/testing a boost
> library/application with CMake? I've found the github project for
> boost/Cmake. Can anyone point me to more useful information?

I use CMake for building and testing Boost.MPI. Not sure I added the last tests to the b2 framework.

> Robert Ramey

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