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From: Stefano Mora (stefano.mora_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-06-14 07:36:32

> Il 13/06/2024 20:15 CEST Ruben Perez <rubenperez038_at_[hidden]> ha scritto:
> In Asio, every time you call an async function, you will eventually
> get a completion callback. So every time you attempt a read, two
> callbacks will always get generated, one for the timer, one for the
> read operation. This is true even if one of the operations gets
> cancelled - the callback will happen to contain an
> "asio::error::operation_aborted" error, but will get called.

thanks a lot, Ruben.
I think I changed the code to wait/align all the notifications.
My last doubt is the 'error=0 and bytes=0' notification: as I said I handled it with a re-launch of a new async_read.

Thanks again,

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