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From: John Maddock (jz.maddock_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-06-28 17:23:48

On 28/06/2024 17:42, Christopher Kormanyos via Boost wrote:
> >> Recently, we became aware of a letter>> that was circulated to the Boost>> developer community. The Boost>> Foundation Board of Directors have penned>> the following note in response to that letter.
>> Dear Boost Community Members,
>> Recently, Mr. Falco distributed a letter indicating> intent to a) rescind
> I had hoped for this topic to be partiallyresolved in a smaller circle of expertsoffline.
> As a Boost developer, I'd like theseconflicts to be resolved offline and witha bit more open (to each other, yet private)discussion.
> A bit of open source communicationis welcome. But we are projecting a bitof an uncoordinated and negative imageat the moment.
> If there is a way to resolve the main pointsof conflict offline, I'd plead for that to beattempted.

+1, That would seem to be a very level headed and excellent suggestion.


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