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From: Julien Blanc (julien.blanc_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-02 12:09:17

2 juillet 2024 à 12:58 "Andrey Semashev via Boost" <boost_at_[hidden]> a écrit:
> Also, on the topic of binary size, is this script embedded into the
> final binary only once, even if the header is included in multiple TUs?

That (binary size) was also one of my concern, i checked the following :

* the whole section is correctly stripped when stripping debug symbols (and correctly preserved in the external debug symbols file)
* multiple sections works correctly
* the section is indeed only added once in the final binary

(for what it's worth, tests done with gcc x64, gcc cross-compiling to arm32 and clang x64, no issues with any of these configurations)



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