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From: Richard Hodges (hodges.r_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-10 16:01:03

On Wed, 10 Jul 2024 at 16:48, David Sankel via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]>

> For those who got involved in Boost within the last couple years, how did
> you hear about boost? What attracted you to it?

I've been using boost as an essential force multiplier of C++ since version
1.35 when Asio appeared, courtesy of Chris Kohlhoff.

More recently in 2017, I needed an asynchronous websocket library for C++
and lo-and-behold, boost had one, courtesy of Vinnie Falco.

> For those who have been around for a while, what keeps you here? Why do you
> stay engaged?

After finishing a contract in which I used Boost.Beast in production
code, I took up an offer by the C++ Alliance to become a maintainer of it.
A bit of a "Victor Kiam" moment, if you will.

While working for the C++ Alliance I was also involved in the design and
first cut of Boost.Json and had some input into Boost.Url, another two very
keenly needed libraries sponsored by the C++ Alliance.
I am no longer working for the C++ Alliance, but maintain a warm
relationship with the organisation.

I am currently using Boost.Cobalt in a financial trading software suite.

I stay engaged because:
- I don't want to have to switch languages - C++ is perfectly fine for me.
- Boost polyfills all the essential functionality that the children running
WG21 continue to refuse to provide.
- It's convenient to have one library that provides (almost) every tool I

My very great thanks to the original authors and contributors, and more
recently to the C++ Alliance, which as far as I can see is the only major
sponsor of Boost.
Without this organisation's involvement, I believe the libraries would have
been allowed to fall into disrepair a long time ago.

I don't think I have met more than one team in the financial industry which
uses C++ but which does not use Boost.

On a separate note, I was deeply disappointed by your recent public
outbursts, David.


Richard Hodges
A C++phile
ex maintainer of Boost.Beast
contributor to Boost.Json, Boost.Url
Advisor to Boost.MySQL, Boost.Cobalt

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