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From: Ruben Perez (rubenperez038_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-16 12:17:28

> I believe you're referring to:
> The goal was to create a small and easy-to-maintain wrapper around
> libpq to integrate smoothly with the C++ and Asio ecosystem. While it
> is mostly complete in terms of communication and asynchronous
> operations, it lacks the necessary infrastructure for mapping between
> database and standard/user-defined types.

Yes! That's it. Actually, the mapping is one of the points I don't see any
clearly after reading the protocol spec (and it looks like libpq doesn't
solve it either, leaving you just a bunch of bytes/text to interpret). Do
you have any ideas or any resources on how to approach the issue?

> A Boost PostgreSQL library that implements the PostgreSQL protocol,
> similar to what you've done with Boost.MySQL, would be an excellent
> addition to Boost. I believe it would attract many users.

That's encouraging, thanks.

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