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From: Stephen Greenfield (StephenG_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-15 18:04:59

BUMP / RE-SENT -- I think I got lost in a flurry of responses to another subject:

Richard –

> This usually happens because you're compiling with one standard library
> (e.g. libc++, the default on clang) while your boost libraries were
> compiled with another (e.g. libstdc++, the default on gcc).

That makes sense.

Does my MacOS program need to be compiled for GCC (IE GNU C++17 / GNU C++20), and then linked with libstdc++ to be compatible with the default build of Boost, or the opposite: build Boost and link with libc++?

I saw that there's a list of toolsets, but in the "getting started with unix variants", included with the 1_85_0 .zip package, there is no listing for toolset=clang or toolset=clang-darwin. Nor is there any mention of clang on:


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