Boost logo

Boost :

From: Andrey Semashev (andrey.semashev_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-07-18 22:23:57

On 7/18/24 23:23, Ion Gaztañaga via Boost wrote:
> El 18/07/2024 a las 17:13, Richard via Boost escribió:
>> In article
>> <CA+EzHGca6qPU8obO=PKZE-AXefnF_5ni+X5CXNo3iGk1=8HGUQ_at_[hidden]>,
>>      Vinnie Falco via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]> writes:
>>> The new Boost logo was developed by the Alliance, and a community
>>> consensus
>>> is needed if we are to fully move forward with its use.
>> My first thought on seeing the new logo:
>>      It looks like the Nazi SS lightning bolt
>> I wonder how many other people will have that first impression.
> Just type "logo with lightning" in your search engine and you'll find a
> lot designs similar to the new proposed logo. So certainly not many
> people will get that impression.

Not many of these logos resemble the nazi SS font, though.

I do feel like the new logo's resemblance is too close for comfort,
though. I'm sure it's an unfortunate coincidence, but it is a negative
point nonetheless.

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