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From: Ion Gaztañaga (igaztanaga_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-01 22:53:52

El 01/08/2024 a las 20:07, Joaquin M López Muñoz via Boost escribió:
> El 31/07/2024 a las 22:11, Kristen Shaker via Boost escribió:
>> There was some discussion about the assets being held in a third party
>> non
>> profit controlled by a subset of the Boost Developers. However, given
>> that
>> there are already many Boost Developers on the Boost Foundation Board of
>> Directors, we don’t see this as a meaningful deviation from the status
>> quo.
> I think that your argument that a potential third party controlled by a
> subset of the
> Boost Developers is not meaningfully different to the Boost Foundation
> is incorrect:
> [...]

Hi Joaquín,

Just to try to clarify a bit the "third option" that John and you are
mentioning (and think some other have also suggested), as I understand it:

- A new non-profit entity

- Controlled by a subset of active and prominent Boost Developers (e.g.
those should be the overwhelming majority of the board)

- An entity whose primary (unique?) purpose is to support the Boost
libraries (no additional projects, no conferences, etc.).

Is this an accurate description of the "third option"? If so, I agree
that this is a substantial deviation from the status quo. If other boost
developers find this meaningfully different, then this option should
definitely be available.



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