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From: Boris Kolpackov (boris_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-02 06:03:22

Vinnie Falco <vinnie.falco_at_[hidden]> writes:

> Maybe a miscommunication on my part. What I meant is that the dispute
> between Alliance and Foundation is resolved (because the community is
> now deliberating).

I don't see how it is resolved. The foundation essentially asked the
Boost developers to choose who will control the Boost assets going
forward, the Alliance (option 1) or the Foundation (option 2). In
particular, they explicitly said that if option 1 is chosen, then
the Foundation will walk away from everything Boost. Again, here is
the relevant part from Kristen's email:

Kristen Shaker via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]> writes:

> Here are what we believe to be the available options.
> 1.
> The C++ Alliance assumes control of the Boost assets, including the
> domain name. The Boost Foundation becomes uninvolved in any
> decisions related to the Boost Libraries.

We may have a path to resolving this dispute but the dispute is
definitely not resolved.

I also hope everyone realizes that this is an existential moment for
Boost. If option 1 is chosen and some time down the line the Alliance
runs out of money or decides to shift their focus elsewhere, there will
be no one to catch the balls in the air, so to speak. It will be very
hard for a project to go from burning $500K a quarter to zero without

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