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From: Ignacy Gawedzki (ignacy.gawedzki_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-06 14:50:37


I've run into issues with code using Bimap and GCC optimizations.

The description has been submitted both as a bug report to GCC
( and as an issue
in Boost Bimap (

While trying to reduce the Bimap code to find a minimal example, I've
found what looks like a proper bug in Bimap and have created a pull
request (

It's now been two weeks and the PR is still awaiting approval, so I
thought maybe I better write about it here as well.

I suspect the issues might come from both a bug in GCC optimizations
and from Bimap, because they seem to be gone when I compile with the
latest GCC (which received some optimization-related patches lately)
and the patched Bimap, both on aarch64 and x86_64, but I can't tell
for sure.



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