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From: Boris Kolpackov (boris_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-07 09:51:41

Niall Douglas via Boost <boost_at_[hidden]> writes:

> I wouldn't remember it that way.
> My memory is that Dave asked for the help of a select few in writing the
> tooling to do the conversion because the Boost community had proved
> singularly useless in taking a decision, and he was going to impose a
> decision as BDFL after a great deal of wailing and complaint about there
> being any change at all. He then rammed it through fairly
> unceremoniously giving people very little choice about it.

Hm, that's not how I remember it, and I was on the Steering Committee
at the time.

There was a heated Future of Boost session at C++Now where Dave used
some strong words to express his frustration with a few Boost developers
holding hostage the modernization and thus the future of Boost (or
something to this effect). However, it was the Committee that then
voted in favor of switching to CMake (and, no, Dave was not on the

(FWIW, I abstained from that vote due to what I thought could be viewed
as a conflict of interest: I would have voted against and at that time
I was already working on build2, so it could have been viewed as me
trying to undermine the competition. But, looking back, I should have
voted anyway.)

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