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From: hermann_at_[hidden]
Date: 2024-08-07 15:42:38

On 2024-08-05 22:37, Hermann Stamm-Wilbrandt via Boost wrote:
> Fore remove_edge() there is no O(1) option listed.
> On the other hand in Boost graph code I see this O(1) remove_edge()
> in boost/graph/detail/adjacency_list.hpp:
> template < class Config > struct directed_edges_helper
> {
> ...
> // O(1)
> inline void remove_edge(typename Config::out_edge_iterator iter)
> { std::cerr << "foobar" << std::endl;
> typedef typename Config::graph_type graph_type;
> graph_type& g = static_cast< graph_type& >(*this);
> typename Config::edge_descriptor e = *iter;
> typename Config::OutEdgeList& el = g.out_edge_list(source(e,
> g));
> el.erase(iter.base());
> }
> };
> So my questions is for which graph and how I can make use of that O(1)
> function to remove an edge. It seems to be for directed graph only.
> While I need it for undirected graph, being able to use that O(1)
> function for directed graph would be a first step.
I went a step further, transferred the directed O(1) concept to
undirected graph.

Given an out_edge_iterator it can be removed in O(1), and that is true
undirected graph as well. This small demo code piece:

     out_edge_iterator it = out_edges(v1, g).first;

between two print_graph() statements shows that the concept works.
The (only) edge gets removed from out edge list of v1 only:

pi_at_raspberrypi5:~ $ g++ ug_demo.cpp
pi_at_raspberrypi5:~ $ ./a.out
0 <-->
1 <--> 2
2 <--> 1

0 <-->
1 <-->
2 <--> 1
pi_at_raspberrypi5:~ $

I had to add "void remove_edge(out_edge_iterator i)" to
graph/undirected_graph.h ...

      void remove_edge(edge_iterator i) { remove_edge(*i); }

+ void remove_edge(out_edge_iterator i) {
+ std::cerr << "foobar" << std::endl;
+ boost::remove_edge(i, m_graph);
+ }
      void remove_edge(edge_descriptor e)

... and modify (only for proof of concept) in

      // O(E/V)
      inline void remove_edge(typename Config::out_edge_iterator iter)
- this->remove_edge(*iter);
+ std::cerr << "foobar2" << std::endl;
+ typedef typename Config::graph_type graph_type;
+ graph_type& g = static_cast< graph_type& >(*this);
+ typename Config::edge_descriptor e = *iter;
+ auto el = g.out_edge_list(source(e, g));
+ el.erase(iter.base());
+// this->remove_edge(*iter);

An undirected edge needs to know its out_edge_iterators for
both of its vertices. I plan to use an edge map of std::pair of
out_edge_iterators and initialize for each edge correctly.
Then I will be able to do a sequence of edge removals taking
O(1) time for each edge removal ...



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