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From: Joaquin M López Muñoz (joaquinlopezmunoz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-13 07:28:24

El 13/08/2024 a las 8:20, Peter Dimov via Boost escribió:
> David Sankel wrote:
>> We also need this decision to have unambiguous authority. If the Boost
>> Foundation, which has a meeting on Thursday, endorses using the review
>> process to resolve the organization question, then I think we’ll have it.
> Given that the 'review'/vote we'll be having will essentially be a
> referendum on Boost Foundation's legitimacy as governing entity of
> Boost, I'm not sure the above makes that much sense.

I totally agree. If the Boost Foundation is interested in keeping an
association with the
Boost Project, they should be spending their time preparing a good sell
for their case
rather than trying to authorize/control the process.

Joaquin M Lopez Munoz

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