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From: David Sankel (camior_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-21 23:59:14

The Boost Foundation approved the following motion relating to using the
library review process for the governance/fiscal entity decision with 8 in
favor and 0 against.

MOTION: Support handling the governance question with the following process

   - There should be a period (maybe a month) with a request for proposals.
   - These proposals should answer questions such as “What problems is this
   organizational change attempting to solve? How is this in line with Boost’s
   mission and values? What will the impact be for current volunteers? How
   does this proposal meet the changing needs of the Boost and wider C++
   communities? What risks are there with this approach and how can they be
   mitigated? How will the greater C++ community react to this development?”
   - Proposal writers are encouraged to publish their proposals early and
   use feedback to refine them until the official review period is underway.
   - The proposals should be specific about how expenses will be financed,
   how decisions are made, and how decision makers will be put in place.
   - For fiscal entities, structure and bylaws should be stated.
   - All proposals should be reviewed during the same period.
   - The greater C++ community should be aware and invited to participate
   in the discussion.
   - The review period should be 20 days.
   - We want this to be a civil discussion and encourage everyone to make
   this a reality. Presume that others in the discussion are acting in good

-- David

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