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From: Andreas Weis (der_ghulbus_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-24 08:19:13

Hi everyone,

It's my understanding that Cobalt is *not* a header-only library, yet it
seems that it is not built as part of the b2 build.

I'm building Boost with b2 on Windows (MSVC 2022, version 19.41) and it
seems that Cobalt is not being built properly. I am using the following
command line:

b2 --toolset=msvc-14.3 --build-type=complete architecture=x86
address-model=64 --stagedir=stage -j 8

As far as I can tell, this works correctly for all libraries except
Cobalt. While b2 does list cobalt as part of the "Component
configuration" listing in the output:

     - atomic : building
     - charconv : building
     - chrono : building
     - cobalt : building

But I get neither binaries nor a folder cmake/boost_cobalt* with this.

It also seems that the Cobalt binaries are not part of the distribution

Am I doing something wrong? Is Cobalt supposed to be part of the b2
build or is there another way to consume the non-header-only parts of
the library?

Best regards,

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