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From: Matt Borland (matt_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-08-30 11:52:21

> Hi all

> What about the following idea:
> We introduce a macro, something like
> "BOOST_COMPUTE_COMPILE_WITHOUT_OPENCL". In Boost.Compute we check for this
> macro, and when it is set we include a new stub headerfile instead of the
> regular OpenCL headerfile. The stub headerfile should contain all the
> necessary definitions so that Boost.Compute can be compiled, even when
> OpenCL is not actually installed.
> That would be step one and would make it possible to find at least
> non-compatible changes in the other Boost libraries.

> Step two would be to enhance the stub file so that the test programs also
> run without error. I can't say yet if this would even be possible, and how
> big the effort would be for that.

> Best regards
> René

Could Intel's oneAPI compiler be used to provide OpenCL for free in GHA? Here's an example setup from Math: Compute already has a CML so it should be quite easy to try and see if it works.


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