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From: Andrzej Krzemienski (akrzemi1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-01 10:01:00

pt., 30 sie 2024 o 02:55 Glen Fernandes via Boost-announce <
boost-announce_at_[hidden]> napisał(a):

> Everyone,
> The formal review for the stewardship of Boost assets begins next
> week, September 3rd.
> For reference, the review schedule is:
> The C++ Alliance submitted the following proposal:
> Also attached to this email as:
> CplusplusAllianceFiscalSponsorshipProposal.pdf
> The Boost Foundation has prepared a proposal for the community's
> consideration that is waiting on review from all board members and
> will be posted before the end of day tomorrow (08/30, by 5pm EST).
> A follow up email will be posted when it is available so that it has
> visibility on the Boost developers list and the Announcement list.
> The review, like our C++ library formal reviews, is open to everyone
> to participate. The official review start announcement email next week
> will detail the process for participation.

Thank you for the announcement.
I have a couple of procedural questions.
I understand that the reviews and the discussion can go to the Boost
Developers list, right?
Typically, for the library reviews we were instructed to prefix the email
title with the reviewed library name, so that it is easier for the Review
Manager to notice all the relevant messages. Do we have a tag like this in
this case? Shall I use "Boost Asset Stewardship Review", or is
"stewardship" just fine?

I am also not clear what the subject of the review is. At a high level I
understand that there are two organizations with different visions
competing for some form of control over Boost, but what exactly that "some
form of control" is I am not sure.

Are we talking about the ownership of servers, infrastructure software,
logos, domains? Or legal representation? Or are we also deciding on
introducing new bodies, like a "steering committee"? I would appreciate it
if this was clarified in the review announcement.


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