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From: Andrzej Krzemienski (akrzemi1_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-02 21:45:09

Hi Everyone,

The review hasn't started yet, but I think there is no harm in starting the
discussion earlier.

The Fiscal Sponsorship Proposal from C++ Alliance has the following

At the C++Now conference in 2024, the Foundation launched a competing
> library collection called the Beman Project, describing it as “a new
> initiative separate from Boost that gets back to its original purpose of
> improvements to the standard library.”

Could perhaps directors of the Boost Foundation comment on their
affiliation with the Beman Project?

The reason I ask is that my perception of the Beman project, given the
scarce information about it online, and the observation that C++ proposal
authors prefer to avoid Boost, is "Boost doesn't work, let's start
something new".


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