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From: Kristen Shaker (kristen_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-05 21:21:56

Hi Andrzej,

Boost has always and still is a breeding ground for high-quality, peer
reviewed C++ libraries. Some of these libraries made it to the standard and
some of them were never intended or appropriate for the standard.
Boost.Python, which is a C++/Python interop library, is a good example.

We wanted to create a dedicated space for users to test and give feedback
on all libraries proposed for standardization - not just those coming from
Boost. Without Beman, the C++ community has no way to play around with most
of what is being proposed.

Both of these projects are valuable. They are both part of The Boost
Foundations mission to "develop high quality, expert reviewed, legally
unencumbered, open-source libraries" and "inspire standard enhancements"
 Both can live under the same organizational umbrella. The Boost Foundation
is committed to the success of both projects.

Warm Regards,

On Thu, Sep 5, 2024 at 12:48 AM Glen Fernandes via Boost <
boost_at_[hidden]> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 3, 2024 at 10:00 AM Andrzej Krzemienski wrote:
> > wt., 3 wrz 2024 o 12:34 Glen Fernandes napisał(a):
> >> Just to be clear, you want to know what role each of the individual
> >> directors on the Boost Foundation board have in the Beman Project? Or
> >> the role that the Boost Foundation plans to play in the Beman Project?
> >
> >
> > Oh, I mean the latter. The Boost Foundation as a body.
> Andrzej, understood. A response from the chair of the Boost Foundation
> is forthcoming.
> Glen
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