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From: Joaquin M López Muñoz (joaquinlopezmunoz_at_[hidden])
Date: 2024-09-06 16:54:42

El 06/09/2024 a las 18:51, Peter Dimov via Boost escribió:
> Joaquin M López Muñoz wrote:
>> El 06/09/2024 a las 18:43, Andrey Semashev via Boost escribió:
>>> On 9/6/24 19:19, Vinnie Falco via Boost wrote:
>>> [...]
>>> Even with this long explanation, the meaning of Peter's comment is
>>> lost on me.
>> It means "indeed". I had to investigate myself, too.
> It means "this is true, not an embellishment or an exaggeration".

Thanks for the clarification!

Joaquin M Lopez Munoz

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